
7 Oct 2020

Hospital trips and tax refunds

 We've spent the last few days making trips back and forth to the hospital. Last week DH had a problem with his hand that ended up with us making two trips to the ER late at night. Since then he has been admitted to 'ambulatory care' or hospital in the home, which means he goes to hospital twice a day for treatment, which sometimes takes a couple of hours, and then returns home. 

Yesterday he had more scans and discussions with the orthopaedic surgeon. Initially they planned surgery for today but last night they decided to wait another 24 hours to see if his hand improves, as they would prefer not to have to operate. So its a day by day process at the minute. 

I've taken a few days off work to drive him to and fro as my work is quiet at the moment. Hopefully it all resolves soon and surgery isn't needed. I think it will put DH out of action for a while so plans for painting and work around the yard will be slowed down. 

In other good news we submitted our tax returns yesterday. Our refund was not quite as big as I had hoped but its still a substantial amount, so there will be some extra to go off the mortgage in a few weeks. 


Practical Parsimony said...

How did he hurt his hand? What did the doctor say was wrong with his hand? I hope it all resolves without surgery.

Jan said...

we're not sure exactly how it happened, he has an infection in it which was quite nasty and they have opened that and treated it but its taking a long time to heal. I think he probably had a very small cut or graze that somehow got infected. No surgery now thank goodness

Practical Parsimony said...

Thanks. That is scary. I hope he recovers soon.

Joyful said...

Oh I hope the hand issue resolves without surgery. Good for you for getting a nice tax refund.