
24 Dec 2017

Decluttering has started!

We've been busy for the last two days getting started with the decluttering.

Yesterday we filled a van load full of old broken stuff from around the house yard and took it to the tip:

  • old garden chairs
  • broken garden pots
  • broken plant stand
  • 5 large cardboard boxes from furniture
  • old bits of timber
  • some rubbish from the garage
I've been working on decluttering our bedroom and six garbage bags later I'm not far off being finished!  I think another full day should just about do it. I've done the wardrobes, almost all the ensuite where we had lots of 'stuff' stored and I'm half way through the drawers.

 I was pretty ruthless with the clothes. I tend to hang on to things far too long - like 15 years too long!  I feel like I have to get the wear out of them even if they are no longer flattering. I often upcycle clothes too. The more I put out, the easier it got!  I have a pile of clothes waiting to be altered which I'll get to over the next few weeks.

 I had originally planned to sell a lot of my old clothes and pay the money off the mortgage. But by the time I was done I decided that I am just going to donate them and be done with it. It is easier and will take far less time for me to do some of this extra work that has been offered instead of listing them for sale and posting them out to people. 

Before we started work on decluttering I went around the yard and to each room and took photographs. I'm not going to post them here but I'm going to take new photos each month to see how much progress I am making, The house is a real mess and we're in the 'can't have anyone over' CHAOS that flylady talks about, so I figure photos will help me keep working on it.

well thats Christmas Eve almost over here, tomorrow we'll have Christmas with the family and then back into the decluttering come Boxing Day.

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