
7 Feb 2018

the honeymoon is over...

So far returning to work has been great and I've enjoyed being busy at work with clients and enjoying working with my colleagues - up until this week when we are back in full swing of a busy college start of term.

The last few days have been really, really stressful. From Feb to April is  the busiest time of year - its just a non-stop fly by the seat of your pants time until things settle into a bit better routine after Easter. I actually enjoy the hustle and bustle the start of the year. I love the work that I do, but the last few days have been a really good reminder of just how toxic and chaotic the workplace can be. New policies that someone who has never done the job comes up with, people who've lost their jobs but still have to come to work and people who know they are going to lose their jobs in the next few weeks, more cutbacks, more crazy cost cutting and a ridiculous workloads and expectations. Three days in to the week and I'm already so far behind.

I don't want to turn this blog into a place to whinge about work so I probably won't post about it too often in this way. But after being away for a year and living with no stress and getting my health back I have such a different perspective. For years I lived with this stress & tension and you just get used to it and start to think its almost normal - that its just you that is not coping.  But its not normal, and its not OK. Its way above that of a busy workplace. I'm shocked at how quickly the feeling of high stress has returned - I've only been back for 4 weeks and this week the honeymoon is well and truly over.

So I need to pick my battles & take time to respond, not react. I need to take time to enjoy the successes and good relationships in my workplace and I need to try and switch off when I leave. Its absolutely made me more determined than ever to reach my goal of retiring in five years.

After a long day yesterday (2 hours unpaid overtime) I was feeling pretty disheartened when I got home. That changed when I got a call from the company I applied to for contract work to tell me I've passed all the checks and next step is to do the training - probably next week.

 I'm excited for this opportunity as its well paid and can be done from home. Any money I earn will go straight off the mortgage. Its providing the similar services I currently do in my job, but working online, at double my current pay rate. It would speed up our debt payoff considerably. So I'm on to the next stage and have my fingers crossed it works out OK.

In the meantime today is payday so we're another week closer to our goal.


Cheapchick said...

Good news about the contract work. Sorry your job is getting you down, it does really help to have an end date. My friend just gave notice on her job after wanting to quit for many years and she feels fabulous

Jan said...

thats good news about your friend - it must feel like a relief to be finally leaving. yes, the end date helps me feel like I'm not 'stuck; here forever.