
3 May 2020

Reclaiming morning simplicity

For years I used to start my day with a lovely quiet time in the mornings. I'd do some meditation, some journalling, followed by either reading or watching something uplifting and working on my plans and goals. Its a great way to start each day but somehow over recent months/years its slowly disappeared and I started to turn on the TV to catch the morning news both local and international.

Being home all the time for the last few weeks I've really seen how far we have fallen down the TV hole and how much time it can take up. I enjoy TV, but I have just let it become a constant. I limit how much news I watch about covid but I'm still spending too much time in front of the box.

So from today I'm reclaiming my quiet mornings and starting the day with some simple comforting routines. I want to get back to meditating, affirmations and focusing on creating a simple peaceful home.  I started this morning and I already feel better for it. Time to just sit and be peaceful before the day gets started.

After my quiet time I listened to a podcast while I sorted out a big pile of paperwork that has been sitting on the end of the kitchen bench for months. My kitchen bench is now cleared off completely and looks much better. Today I need do some washing and start decluttering my sewing room.

The sun is shining this morning even though its still quite cold outside so we might walk after lunch. With the change in temperature I'm getting to use some new colours in my temperature blanket

Do you have a quite time in the morning? How do start your day?

"When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." 
Marcus Aurelius 


Practical Parsimony said...

I got up too early for me, 8 am, and rushed to get ready to drive about 60 miles north and then back again to meet someone at Lowe's. The morning was anything but peaceful, but it was something I wanted to do. A dinnertime nap fixed me right

Cheapchick said...

Your blanket is lovely. Everyone needs to find their peace where they can now