
19 Apr 2018

Gas bill & health costs

Our gas bill arrived this morning and I was pleasantly surprised. I've gone back to paying bills weekly this year. I pay $25 a week towards gas.We have gas hot water and gas oven.

My bill was $155.86  for three months and once that was deducted I have a credit balance of $243.73. Our gas use is down 2MJ a day which is good. Our daily cost is $1.71.

So while I have savings on the gas bill this month, I'll have increased medical costs. I need to refill most of my meds, which are not on PBS, so that is expensive. Over the last week I've had bad flare up of my gut problems.So I need to repeat the SIBO testing - it costs $180. If I need the treatment after that - which I expect I will - that is about the same cost.

So I'm back on my basic elimination diet that I follow when this happens. At the moment I'm on chicken broth and stewed apple, tomorrow I'll add pumpkin. Its a process I'm used to and have had to do many times over the years so I know what works for me and get relief pretty quickly.

One good side effect is I'll lose some more weight pretty quick, but its not the best way to do it! I had lost 10 lbs before this happened which I'm really pleased about.

So I will probably not make as much extra payments off the mortgage this month as I had hoped but I'll catch up next month when I get paid for the extra work.


Practical Parsimony said...

Is the elimination diet for allergies?

Jan said...
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Jan said...

I have lots of food intolerances and also lots of gut problems, so when I get a flare up I go back to adding one new food each three days so I can work out what doesn't agree with me, more for my gut than allergies now though.